
Thursday 27 June 2013

Small space exploring robot

Japan is about to take another giant leap into space exploration, by launching an exceptionally cute robot into space.
Kirobo, designed by Dentsu with Toyota and the University of Tokyo, is a voice activated, technically advanced artificial person, about a foot high.
Capable of recognising human facial emotions and body language, and responding in kind, the robot is mainly intended as an educational tool than a genuine exploration robot or AI companion. Which given the history of sci-fi, is probably for the best.
japan space agency

Kirobo will be taken by the Japan Space Agency on a trip to the International Space Station on 4 August., where he will hold the first human-robot conversation in space.
It is not known whether Kirobo will also hold the first robot-to-robot conversation in space, since the legless Robonaut 2 is already on the ISS helping astronauts with science experiments and other research.
It is hoped that eventually robots like Kirobo (meaning Hope Robot) will be able to keep humans company in space.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

PS4 or Xbox One?

The console war is hotting up - Sony has unveiled what the PlayStation 4 looks like at the E3 tech show in LA.

The big news is price - the PS4 is going to be around £80 cheaper than its big rival, Microsoft's Xbox One.
Xbox OneMicrosoft's Xbox One, which was unveiled in May
The PS4 will cost £349, while the Xbox One will be sold for £429.
Sony also announced there'll be no new restrictions on playing second hand games. It comes after Microsoft said they're introducing limits on who gamers can buy used titles from.
The PS4 will also not require users to regularly connect to the internet to continue playing games - something Xbox One users will have to do.
The Xbox One will be available to buy in November. There's no news on the PS4 sale date yet, but it's likely to be before Christmas.

What do you think?

Motorola's new solution for forgotten passwords!

Motorola's electronic tattoo
Looks Freaky!

Always forgetting your password? Tech company Motorola is working on some rather unusual solutions!
They've unveiled an electronic 'tattoo' that sticks to your skin. It has a circuit so gadgets can identify you.
The electronic tattoo shown off at a conference this week
Another experimental idea is a password pill you swallow - that transmits a signal to devices outside the body.
The pill doesn't need batteries because it's powered by stomach acid - but Motorola bosses say it won't be on sale any time soon.
The password pillThe password pill Motorola is experimenting with
So you'll have to keep remembering those passwords for now!

Monday 24 June 2013

Simple Phone Aimed at children aged 4 to 9

The design for the new 'dumbphones' for children.

A new phone with limited functions has been launched for young children.
1stFone about the size of a bank card, can be programmed with saved numbers but does not have a screen, internet access or the ability to send a text.
It is supposed to keep children safer from bullying or inappropriate texts but still lets parents keep in touch.
It is aimed at kids aged four to nine who might not need a smartphone but who still want to be able to call their mum or dad in an emergency.
New phone for kids.
The phone can hold up to 12 numbers and comes in different colours and patterns.

Nokia releases a slimmer, lighter phone the 925

Lumia 925Nokia has shown off a revamped version of its flagship smartphone - the Lumia 925.
It's slimmer and lighter than the Lumia 920, which some users complained was too heavy.
The company has also upgraded the device's camera, saying this is the first time such a complex gadget has been put in a handset.
It comes a week after Nokia's way of thinking was criticised by some of the people that give money to the company.
Some investors suggested the decision to offer the Windows Phone operating system on its biggest and most expensive mobiles would mean customers turn to rival handsets, powered by Android.
However, Nokia chief executive Stephen Elop said the decision to focus on the Windows Phone software gave his firm the best opportunity to "compete with competitors like Samsung".
The company said the new model would initially go on sale in Europe and China in June, followed by the US and other markets.
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Sunday 23 June 2013

New Xbox One revealed!

The new X BoxThe new Xbox One has been revealed at an event in Washington, USA.
Microsoft described the new box as an "all-in-one" system which can play games, live TV, movies and music.

Kinect included with every Xbox

The new console comes with Kinect motion control included as standard. Kinect has seen a major upgrade in this version.
The new X Box
The Xbox One knows if you're looking at it, can see each finger on your hands, works in the dark and can measure your heart rate just by looking at you!
The console can also respond to voice commands and can tell who is speaking even if you're playing a noisy game.
Don Mattrick from Microsoft said: "We're going to bring people things that they love. It's going to be the best in gaming and the best in entertainment."

You can't share your games

The Xbox One has a Blu-ray drive to play movies - but any games you buy have to be copied from the disc to the built-in memory before you can play.
If you lend or sell your disc to somebody else, your copy of the game on your Xbox One will stop working.
[Microsoft changed their mind about this in June 2013]
The new Xbox One also won't be able to play any games designed for the Xbox 360.

New internet features

Players can now record themselves playing games, edit the video, and upload it straight to the internet.
The Xbox OneThe Xbox One can show two apps on screen at once
The Xbox One can also run two apps at once - so you can make video calls at the same time as playing a game.
Microsoft says the Xbox One does not need to be connected to the internet all the time - but some games will need internet access to work.
The console will go on sale later this year and Microsoft have not announced a price yet.

Samsung crack 5G

Samsung Galaxy S4 SmartphoneForget 4G mobile - Samsung say they've cracked a super-fast wireless tech that could mean downloading a movie to your phone in just one SECOND.
Tests showed it might be possible to download one gigabyte per second over a distance of two kilometres.
In a statement the tech company said it might be "up to several hundred times faster" than existing 4G networks.
But it'll be a while before we're able to buy it - it won't be available in shops until 2020 at the earliest.

HD and 3D movies on the go?

Samsung says the 5G tech would enable users to "transmit massive data files including high quality digital movies practically without limitation.
"As a result, subscribers will be able to enjoy a wide range of services such as 3D movies and games, real-time streaming of ultra high-definition (UHD) content, and remote medical services".
It's based on using really high frequencies to transmit the data.
But some experts warn that this announcement might not be that significant - suggesting that this technology might only form a small part of what 5G tech eventually becomes.
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Apple Unveil their new software iOS7!

Apple's new operating system iOS7Apple has unveiled the latest version of the mobile operating system which powers its phones and tablet computers.
The smartphone giant said it had "completely redesigned" iOS7 to "make it feel more alive".
The update gives the phone a 'flatter' look and adds a handful of features that Android and BlackBerry 10 phones already have.
Apple say the new software will be available to download in Autumn.

New features

The refreshed software moves away from a style called 'skeuomorphism', where textures like leather and felt are used in apps to make them look like everyday objects.
One of the improvements is a feature called Control Centre - a drop-down menu that lets you change a frequently used setting quickly.
Voice assistant Siri is also updated and can now search the web using Bing - a search engine made by Apple rival Microsoft.
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Click for more
Apple reveal iOS7 smartphone softwareApple has unveiled the latest version of the mobile operating system which powers its phones and 

50 Years of Bond: Top 5 Gadgets


1. Explosive Parker pen (GoldenEye, 1995)

Bond occasionally relied on the odd pen to get him out of a tricky spot. In GoldenEye, Q gave Bond an explosive silver Parker pen. It contained a four second fuse that was set off by simply clicking the top three times.

2. X-Ray glasses (The World Is Not Enough, 1999)

These smashing specs allowed 007 to notice how many people were carrying guns when he walked into Valentin Zukovsky's casino! We would like some.

3. Lotus submarine car (The Spy Who Loved Me, 1977)

The Lotus Esprit, which turned into a submarine car, was an awesome Bond gadget. It may not have been the classic Aston Martin most often associated with 007, but it is one of our favourites!

4. Jet pack (Thunderball, 1965)

The scenes where Bond flew through the air with his jet pack in Thunderball were shot using two stunt performers. Back then the shrill sound of the jets was dubbed over with the sound of a fire extinguisher!

5. Laser watch (GoldenEye, 1995)

No round up of the best Bond gadgets would be complete without at least one watch! The Omega featured impressive lasers that could cut through ice and metal!

Saturday 8 June 2013

Samsung Accused for making fake accounts?

Smartphone giant Samsung has been accused of paying people to write bad reviews of rival smartphones.
Fair-trade officials are investigating reports that Samsung Taiwan paid people to criticise HTC phones online - and write positive reviews of Samsung phones.
If Samsung is found guilty it could be fined more than £500,000.
Samsung Taiwan said it has "ceased all marketing activities that involve the posting of anonymous comments".
Samsung, based in South Korea, said the "unfortunate incident" had gone against the company's "principles".This post does not state that i like Samsung more than HTC or the other way round; it is just a news update on what is happening for you guys.An HTC smartphone