
Saturday 22 August 2015

Destiny: What is it and is it worth my time?

Destiny, for those of you who don't know, is a popular First Person Shooter (FPS)among video gaming fans. It was developed by Bungie (instant smile) and published by Activision (instant frown). I won't go into detail with this article because there really isn't much detail to go into.

So First off:

What do you do?

When starting the game you're thrown into choosing your character class. Each has their own perks. You then choose your appearance and your race. That's just the start of the tutorial. The game then takes you through all the basics of the game without making you bored. Post-tutorial and in game, you then slowly begin to find out that a lot of Destiny is just shooting a gun. the game gives you a campaign mode and a multiplayer, similar to Halo but you're slightly more free to choose what you want to do at any given time.

The Classes

Classes in Destiny are often argued about by fans e.g. "My class is better than yours" or "Your class is too powerful and that's why you're so good" It would then make sense to choose which class well. 
Destiny offers three classes each with two subclasses: 



This class is the biggest and strongest of the lot. They wear large and full body power. This is the class for you  if you like to get straight to the action and the the front of the firing line.


This class is more focused on stealth and agility. Some things you may like to know: this class can become invisible and teleport;in  multiplayer also.


This class is sometimes referred to as a support class, but nonetheless, this class is extremely well balanced.

This class is based on Space Magic.

I hope you think you know whether this game is for you! If you haven't made your decision yet then stick around because there will be more to come. If you have made your decision you can still stick around because you're also cool.

Thanks for reading!

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