
Thursday 29 August 2013

New 300gb disc

A disc being read by a laser
An announcement has been made by tech giants Sony and Panasonic.
They plan to develop a new optical disc that can hold at least 300 gigabytes of data - six times as much as Blu-ray discs.
The discs could be used for ultra-high-definition 4K movies which are too big to fit on Blu-ray discs.

A bright future for discs?

Discs have become less popular as people are streaming more videos online - or downloading them illegally.
179 million disc-based videos were sold in the UK in 2012, according to the British Film Institute - that's 14% fewer than in 2011.
New discs that can store more data could make the format more popular again.
Bluray discDiscs are much cheaper to buy than SD cards
"The cheapest way to store lots of this material long term is going to be on an optical disc rather than a solid state drive in your laptop or tablet, or on SD cards," said digital video expert Paul O'Donovan.
Discs also offer a cheaper way to send people big files which aren't always easy to send online.
Imagine trying to send a 300gb file online!

Xbox One and PS4 release date leaks

Playstation and Xbox logos

A leak on a toy shop website has revealed that two major games consoles are being released in time for Christmas.

Release dates for the new Playstation PS4 and the X BOX One were leaked by 'Toys R'Us'.
According to the toy shop, Microsoft's X Box One will be launched on the 29th of November and Sony's PS4 will follow on the 13th of December.

Neither Microsoft or Sony have confirmed these dates.

Samsungs new Galaxy Mega!

Samsung Galaxy MegaA massive smartphone has been revealed by technology giant Samsung - with a whopping 6.3inch (16cm) screen!

Smartphone screens have been steadily getting bigger, but the new Galaxy Mega has the biggest screen of any Samsung smartphone so far.

The Galaxy Mega next to an apple and a blackberry
The Galaxy Mega is bigger than any existing apple or blackberry
In 2012, the iPhone received a bigger 4inch screen whilst the new BlackBerry Z30 is expected to have a 5inch screen.

Phones with a big screen are often called "phablets" - a cross between a phone and a tablet computer.

Gadget fans will have to wait to get their hands on the enormous phone as it's not available in the UK yet.