
Sunday 19 May 2013

Google Glass Specs

Google glasses

Google has revealed the technical features of Google Glass, its futuristic internet glasses.
The super-specs will let users take photos, make video calls and look at websites - and will feature some of the latest technology.

No headphones required

The specs don't have a speaker or headphones to play sounds - instead they use bone conduction audio.
The glasses pass vibrations directly to the tiny bones in our ears, so only the wearer can hear the glasses.
Stephen Lau wearing Google glassesGoogle say the glasses will be able to fit any face thanks to removable nosepads

'25-inch display'

Even though the glasses have a very small screen, Google say wearing the specs feels like you're watching a 25-inch television.
Rather than you needing to look at a screen, the glasses project light directly into your eye to deliver a sharp, bright, and slightly see-through image.

Voice control

The glasses are controlled with voice commands which start with "ok Glass".
Saying "ok Glass, take a picture" makes the glasses take a photo of what you're looking at - and the specs can transfer the photos to your smartphone over WiFi. It can film video too.
The camera's resolution is 5megapixels.


One of the biggest problems facing gadget-makers is getting enough battery power into a small device.
Google says the battery in its glasses will last just one day before it needs charging. But if you make video calls it will run out a lot quicker.

Thursday 16 May 2013

Bendy Phones?

Samsung flexible phones prototypes
Imagine being able to roll up your mobile, squish it into your backpack - even step on it without any damage!
Well, that could soon be a reality as researchers are working on making flexible phones using the latest in stretchy plastic and electronics.
There have already been test models, attracting big crowds at gadget shows.
Now reports are saying the launch of the first bendy phone could happen as soon as 2013.
Many companies are working on the technology - LG, Philips, Sharp, Sony and Nokia among them - although reports suggest Samsung will be the first to deliver.
A spokesperson for the company said the phone's screen would be "foldable, rollable, wearable and more".

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Samsung reveal latest smartphone 'Phablet'

Galaxy Mega

Samsung have unveiled the latest and biggest smartphone, the Galaxy Mega.
The company says its 6.3 inch screen makes it ideal for watching videos or running two apps side-by-side.
The size of the phone also means it fits into the 'phablet' category - a cross between a phone and a tablet.
Samsung say the phone is small enough to fit into your pocket and hold in your hand - but they're also planning to sell a smaller 5.8 inch version of the smartphone.
Research suggests that Samsung was the leading maker of smartphones in the world - with over 30% of smartphones sold in 2012 being made by the South Korean firm.
Both will go on sale in Europe in May.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Xbox 360 or PS3

Gaming and games consoles are a huge business, making console and games producers millions every year. So who are the industry's big players?
The big three console companies are Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo.

Microsoft: Xbox 360 & Kinect

Xbox with Kinect
Microsoft are the guys behind the Xbox 360 and Kinect.
The Kinect for Xbox 360 was released in 2010 and was the first modern console that allowed you to play without any controllers - you just move your body around.
You can play against other gamers online using Xbox LIVE but you have to pay a membership fee. 
The Xbox 720 will be released soon so if you want a 360 I suggest you wait a little longer for the 720

Sony: PlayStation, PSP, Vita

A person testing the PlayStation Vita.
Sony make the PlayStation 3 and the handheld PlayStation Vita.
PlayStation Move allows gamers to play with wireless controllers, like the Nintendo Wii.
The PlayStation Network allows you to play online games, chat to friends and surf the web.
The handheld PlayStation Vita has a touchscreen on the front and a touchpad controller on the back. It was released in the UK in February 2012.
Rumours are now flying around the internet that the new PlayStation console, the PS4, will be called Orbis and may be released at the end of 2013. 
Like I said i suggest waiting for the PS4 or as the rumours call it the Orbis.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

How To Make Your Phone Waterproof

Mobile phones could be made completely waterproof thanks to a new kind of nano technology.
It works by covering your phone with a special nano layer that is thinner than a single strand of hair.
The nano coating is so good that it can even prevent a tissue from turning to mush when it's dipped in a jug of liquid.
It was revealed at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, in America.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Google Glass Update

Google Glass worn by Google co-founder Sergey Brin
Google's website says: "Don't let children 
under 13 use Glass as it could harm developing vision."
The smart specs use voice control and let the wearer do things like take photos, make video calls and even look at websites.
They're currently being tested by a group of 1,000 people and are expected to go on sale next year.
Google's website also says: "Glass isn't for everyone. Like when wearing glasses, some people may feel eye strain or get a headache.
"Kids might break Glass or hurt themselves, and Google's terms of service don't permit those under 13 to register a Google account."
 Google was asked if they could tell us more about how Glass could affect kids' eyesight - but they replied saying: "We do not have anything to add to the information we have already made available on our FAQ page."

Google's website says: "Don't let children under 13 use Glass as it could harm developing vision."

The smart specs use voice control and let the wearer do things like take photos, make video calls and even look at websites.

They're currently being tested by a group of 1,000 people and are expected to go on sale next year.

Google's website also says: "Glass isn't for everyone. Like when wearing glasses, some people may feel eye strain or get a headache.

"Kids might break Glass or hurt themselves, and Google's terms of service don't permit those under 13 to register a Google account."

Newsround asked Google if they could tell us more about how Glass could affect kids' eyesight - but they replied saying: "

Monday 6 May 2013

Google Glass

Google Glass is a project Google have been working on for about 2 years. It will have a camera and will be able to connect to the internet.

                  What it does

This is what Google says it does.......

All of this may work or may not but this is what Google are promising to us when we buy it. It will cost around £900 or US$1500. This is very expensive and some people may want to wait until other reviews have been posted. Also if you have spent thousands and thousands on Apple or Samsung products and this becomes 'the next big thing' and everyone starts using it with social networking and all you friends are using it then you'll have to move to google and start getting their products. These things look like their easy to break meaning that if it falls that's £900 gone which is a lot of money for something like this.