
Tuesday 7 May 2013

Google Glass Update

Google Glass worn by Google co-founder Sergey Brin
Google's website says: "Don't let children 
under 13 use Glass as it could harm developing vision."
The smart specs use voice control and let the wearer do things like take photos, make video calls and even look at websites.
They're currently being tested by a group of 1,000 people and are expected to go on sale next year.
Google's website also says: "Glass isn't for everyone. Like when wearing glasses, some people may feel eye strain or get a headache.
"Kids might break Glass or hurt themselves, and Google's terms of service don't permit those under 13 to register a Google account."
 Google was asked if they could tell us more about how Glass could affect kids' eyesight - but they replied saying: "We do not have anything to add to the information we have already made available on our FAQ page."

Google's website says: "Don't let children under 13 use Glass as it could harm developing vision."

The smart specs use voice control and let the wearer do things like take photos, make video calls and even look at websites.

They're currently being tested by a group of 1,000 people and are expected to go on sale next year.

Google's website also says: "Glass isn't for everyone. Like when wearing glasses, some people may feel eye strain or get a headache.

"Kids might break Glass or hurt themselves, and Google's terms of service don't permit those under 13 to register a Google account."

Newsround asked Google if they could tell us more about how Glass could affect kids' eyesight - but they replied saying: "

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